Ghost master game pc
Ghost master game pc

ghost master game pc

ghost master game pc

  • Demonic Possession: Sort of, the only real demon-like ghost is the badass Darkling (some ghosts can possess mortals and make for hilarious bodily function manipulation.).
  • Deadly Prank: Wendel, one of the ghosts in the "Weird Seance" level, was the victim of a fraternity hazing that, in his own words, "really was suicide.".
  • Should you perform the Dream Demon ability on them, and they will also see a sheep, but a very demonic-looking one, accompanied by Drone of Dread.
  • Counting Sheep: Referenced by humans that are sleeping or have fallen asleep, by a picture of a sheep being vertical over a fencepost.
  • Makes for some Fridge Logic as he clearly states he was shot.

    #Ghost master game pc plus

    Cement Shoes: 'Fingers', a former piano player for Don Bartholomew, is shown with cement shoes, plus tendrils of seaweed floating up from them.Stonewall the Earth elemental can also do this, but down to the person's waist. Buried Alive: One ghost, the spirit of a Native American chief, can do this to mortals.This ability isn't available by default, requiring you to spend plasm or find a secret. Bridge Logic: In the Blair Wisp Project, you need to have a ghost cause an earthquake to knock down a tree to create a bridge across a chasm.Krauss is also the only (alive) character in the game shown to wield a gun, and threatens a few college students with it. A Mad Scientist who murdered his own wife and whose research into demonic summoning lead to at least six people having their souls devoured by the Darkling (though admittedly, the player had a bit to do with that last part). And that's the only crime of his the player is explicitly told. for playing a tune he didn't know the Don disliked.

    ghost master game pc

    A mafia don who at the very least had his pianist killed. Detective Norman Franz, a corrupt cop responsible for the death of policewoman-turned-vengeful-ghost Blue Murder.And arguably, the entire Fraternity, since they all had a part in it. Head of the Alpha Tau Fraternity, he's responsible for the Hazing of Wendel (a recruitable ghost) which resulted in Wendels suicide. Asshole Victim: A great many of the people the player has to haunt/scare in this game are quite awful human beings who at the very least deserve to be scared out of their minds.This supplied one with useless informative tidbits that couldn't be found anywhere else, such as that Old Man Carter once commissioned a self portrait from The Painter, Harriet is Irish-American (you wouldn't tell - she's Not Even Bothering with the Accent), and the reason Fingers has cement shoes is because that was how they disposed of the body. All There in the Manual: There was an official strategy guide.

    Ghost master game pc